Sure, it's nice when the language gives you features like generics to make things easier, but often code generation is a necessary and extremely productive task. 当然,当语言可以为我们提供可以简化任务的特性时,一切都是那么美好;不过代码生成通常都是一个必需通常其生产率也非常高的任务。
In other words, a jack of all trades is less productive at each task than one who specializes on a certain task. 换句话说,对于每个任务,全能的人的生产力比不上专门从事特定任务的人。
Get the tough stuff out of the way early on. Whether thats setting up a system so that you can be more productive or whether it is a task that is going to take more mental and physical energy to complete, do those things off the top. 尽早将艰难的工作做完。无论是创建一个使你更具效率的系统还是一个需要耗费大量体力或精力的任务,都应该最先做完。
Put on the headphones, tune into your most productive music and concentrate on your task. 那么,你可以戴上耳麦,调到最能提高你效率的音乐,然后再专心工作。
Also, using your writing skills to take useful notes is one of the most productive things you can do, regardless of the task at hand. 另外,不管你现在做什么工作,利用你的写作技能记录下有用的信息,是你能做的最高效的事情之一。
Our productive task is making the machine. 我们的生产任务是造机器。
To release and develop our productive forces will remain our central task for a long period of time to come. 不断解放和发展生产力,依然是我们长期的中心任务。
According to our experience, in order to build socialism we must first of all develop the productive forces, which is our main task. 根据我们自己的经验,讲社会主义,首先就要使生产力发展,这是主要的。
Since productive forces are the decisive power in social development, it is the essential content and fundamental task of socialism to emancipate and develop productive forces. 生产力是一切社会发展的最终决定力量,解放生产力与发展生产力是社会主义的本质内容和根本任务。
Classic Marxist writers have regarded the development of productive force as the uppermost important task for the proletarian parties in power. 马克思主义经典作家都把发展生产力作为无产阶级政党执政时期的极为重要的任务。
It organizes, plans, manages enterprise productive task, and realizes its special target in the limit time and fun. 主要对企业生产任务的组织、规划、管理,并在有限的时间和资金前提下实现其特定目标。
Eighty-four Chinese college students representing three proficiency levels were tested on their receptive and productive acquisition of these words by performing a reading task and then taking posttests. 84名代表三个语言水平的中国某高校的大学生参与了本研究。通过让受试完成一项阅读任务并随后进行两项后测,测试他们对目标词的理解性和产出性习得效果。
Structuring the modern national education system and lifetime education system, it is the system innovation liberating the productive forces further to establish the studying type society, have already become important goal and task of China's future social development. 构建现代国民教育体系和终身教育体系,创建学习型社会是进一步解放生产力的体制创新,已经成为中国未来社会发展的重要目标与任务。
The basic mission of socialism is to liberate and develop the productive forces, economic construction is the central task of the Party in socialist period. 社会主义的根本任务是解放和发展生产力,经济建设是党在社会主义阶段的工作中心。
Protecting productive forces is a lasting and constant task. 保护生产力是一项持久的经常性的任务。
Engineering education, which is the combination of engineering and education of the two systems, cultivates specialized education science and technology can be transformed into productive forces as the main task of the engineering science and technology talent. 工程教育,其是工程与教育两个系统相结合,培养能将科学技术转化为生产力的工程科技人才为主要任务的专门教育。
One week later the participants took productive vocabulary posttest after task treatment. 实验处理后所有受试接受了产出性词汇后测。
At the present time, with the development of economy, energy demand upgrades continuously, and coal productive task increases continuously, too. 目前,随着经济的发展,能源需求不断升级,煤炭生产任务也不断加大。
At the same time, an error analysis is conducted for errors made in productive task to find out the causes of RC fossilization of English learners. Based on the research, some suggestions are proposed for college English teaching. 同时,通过对学习者在产出型任务中的错误进行错误分析,本文试图找出导致僵化现象的原因并对大学的英语教学提出一些建议。